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YouTube feedback 10/04/2023
Italian Renaissance Gallery, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
"The Hunt in the Forest, by Paolo Uccello (1397–1475) is one of the best-loved and well-known paintings in the Museum’s collection. This magical work depicts a hunting scene taking place at night and is crammed with figures of huntsmen – some on horseback, others on foot – accompanied by eager hunting dogs. The composition shows Uccello’s fascination with perspective and geometry as everything converges on a central vanishing point."
The following is a music, song, and spoken word performance piece about The Hunt in the Forest
It's title: A Visitor to the Forest by Diana Moore, inspired by Paolo Uccello's The Hunt in the Forest
"Diana Moore’s poem-performance based on Uccello’s ‘The Hunt in the Forest’ is a lyrical tour de force — playful, haunting, and incantatory. Moore’s lovely voice zooms our attention into the painting, and helps us to pay attention to details of line, color and texture. Even as she’s focused on art history, Moore’s lyrics and lines stand on their own as poetry, serving up delightful aural landscapes and clever word play. Moore’s performance is catchy — it would delight a younger audience with fun audio and visuals while entertaining adults with the poet’s keen observation. Uccello’s painting truly comes alive under her gaze. I’ll never see ‘The Hunt in the Forest’ in the same way again. This is truly the best way to appreciate art…"
"I spent a lovely half hour looking at your YouTube videos. Many congratulations on them and your very unique way of presenting the paintings, I loved it. Your lovely voice and intriguing interpretation is quite mesmerising and I laughed out loud at the Turkey and Lobster.".
Books previews and reviews start on page 2 of my journal, the most recent book being: Objects in the Ashmolean, An Art and Poetry Resource
A visit to the Faringdon Cobbler 15/07/2021
How often do we visit a cobbler? With millions of flip flops washing up on shores and many shoes discarded without repair, is it time to review materials - both in making and mending footwear to retain traditional craftsmen?
Cobbler cobbler mend my
Can I collect at half past
And what’s that etched in
your tattoo?
Chains, sprockets, piston parts
Scrambling bikes are in my heart
It’s Motocross that most appeals
When I’ve finished mending heels
Cobbler cobbler my sandal
is split
Can you fix it pretty
I like the style, comfort
and fit
But I don’t want to trip
The problem is it’s composite
Glue won’t stick
I’d like to mend all kinds of shoes
Leather or rubber go well with glues
But what is on the shelves to choose?
I’m left to muse on throwaway shoes…
Back here my leather boots
A job well done brings
happy mood
Now I’m well-heeled
I’ve got new sole
Thank you cobbler
For your role
Published in The Advertiser Magazine August 2021

My un-lockdown project was cycling in the countryside. Today I completed 1000 miles of local cycling, taking in pretty views of Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire countryside.
Ashmolean Poetry Tour 28/02/2019
29th June 2019
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Meet in Gallery 21
Planning Your Writing Career 28/03/2018
28th March 2018 Event: ~ Planning Your Writing Career ~ Oxford University Careers Service
Hosted by Oxford Writers' House
Today I was on the panel for this interesting event:
Oxford Writers' House and Writers in Oxford for a night discussing the
realities of making your writing into a sustainable career. This is your
opportunity to meet with writing professionals from playwrights to poets,
editors to journalists, scriptwriters to novelists to get to grips with what to
expect and how to transform your passion into a way of life.
be hearing from: Non-fiction, journalism - Melanie King Radio, TV - Jean Buchanan Fiction, short stories - Lorna Patterson Poetry - Mariah Whelan
Poetry and Performance - Diana Moore

A Poetry Tour in a Book at the Ashmolean Museum 03/02/2018
with Diana Moore
Ashmolean Gallery Lecturer Cassie O'Brien, had this to say:
witty and perceptive responses through poetry and song were very engaging and
fits in well with the Ashmolean's open door philosophy towards creativity in
all its forms."
Regular visitor Joanna said: "This is brilliant how you've put it all together”.

Ashmolean Museum 27/12/2017
Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle
There is a jigsaw available of the 'Objects in the Ashmolean' book cover; here it is in the Ashmolean Museum shop along with the book. (it's also in Blackwell's - image below).
The jigsaw - made by Wentworth - has unusual shaped pieces and whimsy cut-outs which, in this particular jigsaw, relate to museum objects. The edges are not what you'd expect either. It really is a fun and interesting way to piece art and history together!
Ashmolean are currently running a promotion on the book and jigsaw, while stock lasts.

Wentworth Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle 20/12/2017
Blackwell's, Oxford
Objects in the Ashmolean ~ jigsaw and book are available in Blackwell's.
The book is an art and poetry resource, and the jigsaw is a fun way to piece art and history together.
Montessori International 19/12/2017
Chief Education Officer Barbara Isaacs has kindly reviewed my book: Objects in the Ashmolean, An Art and Poetry Resource, it is published in their winter magazine 2017/18 (Issue 123).

Previews and Reviews of Objects in the Ashmolean 12/07/2017
An Art and Poetry Resource by Diana Moore:
Mathew Tobin says:
- The format of seeing the image, then the poem works very well, and the watermark behind is lovely. Visually the book is great.
- I enjoyed the wit of Two Bream and a Ray very much – humorous language play and a narrative which had me smiling throughout.
- The kiddies menu is just wonderful and I can imagine the whole conversation happening right there.
- The Henry play-poem is wonderful and is crying out to be performed and laughed at. A wonderful, informative piece of parodic poetry!
- I also thought the dual narrative in A Time to Bond was very clever indeed and would want my own class to take similar approaches with other paintings too.
- The Lobster and the Turkey shows the wonderful, tongue-in-cheek sense of humour that you have in which your deft play with words and ideas brings pleasure to the reading. It would sit very comfortably next to anything by Nash or Lear.
- I have to say it was a real pleasure reading through the
book, Diana; so many different forms and poetic devices which makes the reading
so rich and entertaining. It was a
pleasure from cover to cover and makes me want to go spend time with the
objects sharing your words and interpretations with them.
Mathew Tobin
Senior Lecturer in Education: Primary English and Children’s Literature
Oxford Brookes University

Previews and Reviews of Objects in the Ashmolean 09/07/2017
An Art and Poetry Resource by Diana Moore
Claire Frampton says: I work as a gallery attendant and my theatre in heritage project is about imagining theatre in the Ashmolean live events. Reading this book made me feel enthused about different perspectives creative interpretation can bring. I liked the arrangement of photos, description and poetry. I liked the way the book presented new ways of thinking creatively about objects.

Previews and Reviews of Objects in the Ashmolean 08/07/2017
Rebekah King says:
- "Objects in the Ashmolean" is a delight. Each of the poems brings to life an object that - let's face it - I might have easily walked past without a second glance when visiting the museum.
- Diana has managed to find a story in even the most domestic of artefacts, or in fragments of forgotten stone. Some of her subjects have no doubt been written on in depth by art historians and anthropologists alike. Diana's poems are informed by her research, but never feel bogged down by it.
- My favourite is "Time to Bond". It's a dialogue between mother and child; the most famous mother and child of all. It has made me reconsider a portrait of the Madonna and Christ which might otherwise have seemed much like so many others. Here, the voices of the poem speak with a lyrical tenderness infused with melancholy and foreboding. We all know the story: we all know what will happen to this woman and her son.
- Diana engaged me as an editor for this collection, and it has been a pleasure to meet and work with her. I am sure that her talent will continue to flourish in subsequent books and encourage anyone with a love of literature, performance, or of art, to read as much of her writings as you can.

Previews and Reviews of Objects in the Ashmolean 07/07/2017
An art and Poetry Resource by Diana Moore
There is an incredibly enthusiastic review by poet, artist and editor Jalina Mhyana:

Objects in the Ashmolean 26/03/2017
Objects in the Ashmolean is an illustrated art and poetry resource, based on a small selection of objects from the vast collections held at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.
This is a fun and creative learning resource for stimulating creative writing, performance work, reading and discussion. The book will take you on a journey from Renaissance Italy to the Far East; you can time travel between ancient artefacts and works of modern art. Each poem begins with a short introduction letting you know some of the fascinating history of the object that inspired it. Age guide is from around 10 years to adult, with some poems suitable for younger primary children and others aimed at age 12 years and above.
Many of the poems are well suited to live performance; each one has been performed at the Ashmolean in its relevant gallery. You’ll find pieces in here that can be set to music or acted out. There is drama, humour, song and one poem that can be used as a prompt for mindfulness and meditation. The object is for you to enjoy the objects, have a go at performing the poems - either as hinted at in the book, or in your own ways. Then you might like to try out some new ideas of your own. Content includes: a scripted poem about Henry VIII and His Six Wives, a menu poem served on a Roman fish plate, a song lyric inspired by a ship in a storm and a mermaid… a flamingo calypso, and more…
This book is a follow on to 'A Visitor to the Forest', a poem designed for performance, which is suitable for many voices, and inspired by Paolo Uccello's masterpiece: 'The Hunt in the Forest' which is on display in the Ashmolean Museum.
17th June update: Objects in the Ashmolean is available in the Ashmolean Museum shop, Blackwell's in Oxford, and independent book stores, e.g. The Book House in Thame and Summertown. Also available via Amazon.

March 2017 24/03/2017
Pleased to announce that my third book is now available. It is an art and poetry resource based on objects in the Ashmolean. Titled: Objects in the Ashmolean, An Art & Poetry Resource

CARU Arts re Search Conference 2016 04/12/2016
I am currently working on my third book which is to be an art and poetry resource in which I use art and objects as a way of engaging, inspiring and facilitating creative writing and performance work. For this occasion, I presented scripted poems, poem/lyrics, thoughtful poems, and a musical poem based on a Still Life painting. Each piece relates to art and objects that are housed in the Ashmolean museum. The audience were invited to join in with the words and there was a good supply of volunteers happy to be put on the spot and join in. The poems that I presented demonstrated the many ways in which art and poetry can be written, linked and performed. Content was found to be good for creative writing and performance work in many places and spaces and for both children and adults. The book is due to be published in 2017. More news coming soon.

CARU Arts re Search Conference 2016 19/11/2016
I met Claire Frampton at the CARU Arts re Search Conference. Claire works as a gallery attendant at the Ashmolean Museum. She is currently working on a PhD proposal with a working title of: 'Exploring the potential of creative drama as a learning tool in museums and heritage'. She very kindly offered to write a review and reflections on my book: A Visitor to the Forest - a scripted performance poem, which is inspired by Paolo Uccello's The Hunt in the Forest. (See text below)
Reflections on reading A Visitor to the Forest by Diana Moore (2014)
I first met Diana Moore at the CARU (Creative Arts Research Unit) conference at Oxford Brookes in December 2016. I made a presentation ‘Exploring the potential of creative drama as a learning tool in museums and heritage’, she made a presentation ‘Art and Poetry for Performance’ which included performance of some of her poems related to museum objects with a slide show. She leant me a copy of her book and I offered to review it and write reflections.
I was interested to review it in relation to my Research Project/ PhD Proposal Working Title: Exploring the potential of creative drama as a learning tool in museums and heritage. Examining current projects and academia, proposing, running and evaluating projects in museums.
In the introduction to the book she describes how she developed the idea for the book while she looked into the painting rather than walking past it. As a gallery attendant I have witnessed many tours, schools education sessions and activities related to that painting, involving family trails and craft I was interested about Moore’s unique ideas about engaging with the painting. I believe there is more potential for music and drama in museum education programmes, Moore’s book encourages performance of her script in relation to the painting. With my project about the potential for creative performance in museums one of the research issues is what are the benefits of learning about heritage through drama in a context where museum programmes also offer music and arts and crafts in their programmes? Considering what I had witnessed (I had been a gallery attendant for 5 years) I believed Moore’s project offered something new.
With Diana’s book I can see it is designed so that people can use the script to engage with elements of the painting in a unique way, performers can make their own interpretations. I was interested in the way Moore encourages performances with music from well known tunes such as a Mozart Horn Concerto.
I liked the way the book was edited with some creativity in the presentation of words for instance in one illustration with words going round in a spiral. Parts of the painting are presented in the book editing sections so people engage in a new way. I liked the way the book was designed so people can make notes, perhaps about their own performance of the poems.
After this I am interested to know more about Moore’s work, especially relating to theatre in heritage.
Thank you Claire.
Photo above shows Claire Frampton at Oxford Brookes for a 'Singing through the ages' event. She is wearing a mortar board and holding a clock which was used in her presentation at the CARU Arts re Search conference also at Oxford Brookes.
I have been selected to speak at CARU ǀ Arts re Search Conference at Oxford Brookes University on 4th December. I will be presenting / performing on the topic of Art & Poetry for Performance.
CARU ǀ Arts re Search Conference
Date: 4th December 2016
Location: Chakrabati Lecture Theatre, Gipsy Lane, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford
Here is a link, further information and full list of speakers available soon.

POETRY EVENT with Diana Moore
"We had a lovely afternoon yesterday with our special guest Diana Moore, performing her fantastic art related poetry" (from Bridge House Care Home Facebook Page)

Poetry Sessions ~ Feedback ~ Lady Nuffield Home 24/02/2016
A session that is increasing in popularity is my art-based poetry sessions. Intelligent, Interactive, Accessible, Educational. Here is feedback from a visit to The Lady Nuffield Home:
'I like your poetry' said Joan. ...'very different to the usual visits..'
Please ask her back' Susan reminded the activities manager
'We've not had anything like this before' .. 'unique, interesting, original' .. 'an engaging and enjoyable session' .. 'When residents ask you back it is the best example of feedback' David Rudge, Activities Manager

Art-based Poetry Feedback ~ Two Bream and a Ray 22/11/2015
I've created a poetic menu based on a Roman Fish Dish in the Ashmolean Museum (see image to the right).
"To say you have a unique and original style is an under statement.
It's so appealing in it's layout and the light touch and humour belie the
knowledge and information contained underneath."
Tony Vincent Isaacs, Musician and Poet

Cows at Cookham by Sir Stanley Spencer 24/10/2015
A poem/lyric/script by Diana Moore, inspired by Stanley Spencer's painting of Cows at Cookham, Modern Art Gallery, Level 3, Ashmolean Museum.
The theme for October's readings was (a) Modern Art, and (b) based on 19th century French poet Stephane Mallarmés Meaning: Interplay & Interconnections. I was attracted to Cows at Cookham in the Modern Art gallery which fitted one part of the remit, but I didn't know much about Mallarmé... yet... How could I interplay and interconnect...? What made him tick...? Well... I discover that he influenced Claude Debussy who composed a piece called L'après-midi d'un faune... (afternoon of the faun) based on one of Mallarmés poems. Music, music... I do enjoy music... I listen to Debussy... I connect Debussy and the cows... have you ever heard a cow moo Debussy...? My thoughts develop into a poetic script for two voices.
If you would like to hear the poem or if you would like me to visit your school or establishment to share my art-based poetry workshops, please do get in touch.
Further information on Stephane Mallarmé at http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/stephane-mallarme

Words, Wit (and Flamingos?) 07/07/2015
The Adult Dyslexia Centre proudly presents: Words, Wit (and Flamingos?) 5th July 2015.
I've had a wonderful time at the Adult Dyslexia Centre in Maidenhead, working with the group to develop their writing skills into performance pieces and leading on to a production at The Studio Theatre at Nordern Farm. Here is what Debbie, the Centre Manager has to say:
'Diana was recommended to us by a Centre tutor who had heard some of her performance pieces and felt that she would work well with our group. Our performance 'Words, Wit ( and Flamingos)' was put together with tremendous panache and professionalism in only 4 weeks. It consisted of 32 short items of humorous writings (mostly written by the members) with performance and dance. What an achievement - to enable a group of dyslexic adults who have difficulties with words, sequencing and memory to feel confident performing in a theatre to an audience who thoroughly enjoyed the show. Thank you, Diana, for all your, patience, perseverance and belief that we could 'produce the goods'.
Debbie Farnfield,
Adult Dyslexia Centre Manager

Playground on Fire at the Old Fire Station 18/06/2015
I am delighted to be a part of the Playground on Fire events. I shall be in the Gallery on Saturday 27th June from 3 - 4 p.m. Joining me will be: actor Jon Crowley and soprano Anna Shackleton. Together we will be presenting 'A VISITOR TO THE FOREST'. There will be singing and acting/improvising of extracts from this arts-based performance poem inspired by Paolo Uccello's The Hunt in the Forest. Audience participation is invited. All welcome.
A Visitor to the Forest is available from Blackwells and the Ashmolean Museum shop, also online via Amazon.co.uk
Events and Workshops April, May, June, July 2015 31/03/2015
Here are a few of the workshops and events that I have booked for spring and summer.
Ashmolean Museum ~ poetry workshop for adults with learning difficulties based on 'The Hunt in the Forest'
Residential Care Home ~ poetry readings, performance and discussion
Adult Dyslexia Centre ~ comedy, poetry, writing and performance workshop leading to a theatre production
Stagecoach Theatre Arts School ~ Poetry performance workshops with mini musical/acting performances for each age group ranging from age 6 to 18 years
April 2015 Feedback following my visit to Chiltern Grange Care Home: "Thank you very much to the lovely Diana Moore for carrying out an 'Introduction to Creative Writing and Poetry' session for our residents. An informative, interesting session filled with lots of humour! Your poems were brilliant, we look forward to seeing you again soon." Corinne Smith, Activities Manager
Coles Bookstore in Bicester 07/03/2015
Thanks to Caroline at Coles Bookstore in Bicester for her continued support in stocking my latest book A Visitor to the Forest which is an art based poem designed for performance and suitable for ages 7 to adult. Here is a link to Coles - it is a lovely independent book shop in Crown Walk, Bicester. wym-1432049712180

Testimonial 17/02/2015
I met Diana Moore through the readings in the Ashmolean museum. Her poems have a lovely sense of fun and wordplay, and she has a wonderful instinct for making texts which will appeal to children in performance. This little book contains one such poem, inspired by a famous painting by Uccello. Dr Giles Watson, University of Western Australia

Testimonial 19/01/2015
In 2012 I had the pleasure of reading with Diana Moore as part of the Ashmolean Museum's 'Poetry and Pictures' program, and since then, I've been witness to her meticulous craftsmanship and professional approach. Diana's poetry is imaginative and playful; a welcome reprieve from the monotone readings one comes to expect. Diana brings a musical element to the poems, whispering, chanting, and singing. I'm always surprised and delighted by Diana's theatricality, playfulness, and humour. She is a natural performer, whether in schools, special needs groups, museums, or on the BBC. Her books can be found in Blackwell's and Waterstones. Her latest book, a poetic response to Uccello's Hunt in the Forest, will be available in the Ashmolean Museum shop this year.
Jalina Mhyana (www.jalina.co.uk)
Director, Ekphrasis / Poetry in the Museum
Poetry Evening in Witney 18/12/2014
Poetry celebrating the Dylan Thomas centenary wym-1418924537478

Playground ~ New Work and Collaboration Platform 13/09/2014
Looking forward to being in the Playground on Tuesday 23rd September....
The Gallery, Old Fire Station, George Street, Oxford
New book coming soon 15/07/2014
My next book is a poem designed for performance based on Paolo Uccello's 'The Hunt in the Forest'.
Open Mic at Blackwell's Bookshop, Oxford 02/07/2014
After a busy day of poetry sessions in a local school, I went along to Blackwell's Bookshop for the open mic evening. There was a very good crowd in attendance and I was delighted to receive a real show of appreciation for my humorous poems.
Poetry in residential homes ~ feedback 14/05/2014
Feedback from recent visits to individuals and groups in residential homes: June from Letcombe Regis said "fascinating, and very stimulating". The ladies at Fairfields in Oxford said "Do come back". So do get in touch if you would like an interesting session on Creating and Writing Poetry. There is an array of subject matter available (for these sessions) from art and poetry, poetry and pictures, to Edward Lear nonsense as well as historical (e.g. Henry VIII) and contemporary poems.

Ashmolean Museum ~ poetry in the galleries 29/04/2014
Received lovely feedback on my lyrical poem based on 'The Hunt in the Forest' by Paolo Ucello. If you would like to hear the poem, do get in touch. It will be good to share with a wider audience. There is an interesting book written by Catherine Whistler on the subject of this wonderful painting. You can buy it in the Ashmolean shop for £5. Another poetry tour coming up on 24th May at the Ashmolean Museum. I will have a new piece (yet to be decided) ready for 14th June poetry tour.

Hand-written letter from Sir David Attenborough 10/04/2014
It was lovely to receive a hand-written letter from Sir David Attenborough in his no doubt very busy schedule, thanking me for the 'A Fishy Coat Tale And Other Poems' book and a view of my new nonsense verse specially written for Edward Lear, a poetry collection that is due to be published in 2014.

Southbank centre ~ 15th February 2014 06/02/2014
http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk Delighted to say I will be performing a poetry showcase to an audience of under 12's and their families here at Southbank Centre on 15th February 2014
Ashmolean Museum ~ 'Two Bream And A Ray' 28/01/2014
Thanks to all who came along to the poetry tours including our regulars, first-time visitors, and to Cheryl, our tour guide for the day. We had good size audiences and lots of positive feedback on the wide range of poems and subject matter.
Ashmolean poetry in the galleries 18/01/2014
I will be performing Two Bream and a Ray based on a Roman fish plate.
Flamingo goes to Lincolnshire 12/01/2014
A little bird tells me.... as a result of the performance at Ashmolean, Flamingo Calypso was introduced to children at a school in Moreton, Lincolnshire.

Ashmolean Poetry Tour 07/12/2013
The Greater Flamingo slipped out of his aviary (Jameel Centre) for a performance of 'Flamingo Calypso'. Thanks to the visitors who came along specially (on a busy Christmas shopping day), and who were great sports and joined in with the 'song and dance'.
Ashmolean Museum ~ poetry in the galleries 18/11/2013
Next poetry readings in the galleries are on December 7th.

Flamingo Calypso at Wantage Literary Festival 17/11/2013
Event date: 24th October 2013
It was lovely to meet Teachers and Class 2 children from Wantage Primary School and Charlton Primary School. Children participated in singing, dancing and mimicking animal noises. The two schools were the first to try out my newly created FLAMINGO CALYPSO poem/song which I wrote specially for the event.
© Diana Moore Design: Possage.com
Wantage Literary Festival 2013 15/10/2013
Wantage Literary Festival is fast approaching. Here is a link which you may like to explore. http://www.wantagebetjeman.com/store/ I will be doing a poetry event for 120 children.

Ashmolean Museum ~ Henry VIII and his six wives 05/10/2013
POETRY AT THE MUSEUM. It is good to receive feedback - especially when it is positive! A number of visitors came up to thank me after my 'brief poetic overview' of Henry and his wives. It was my first attempt at seven different voices...! Thanks also to John, for taking the time to drop me a line to show his appreciation.

Waterstones, Oxford 25/09/2013
A Fishy Coat Tale And Other Poems is available in Waterstones, Oxford.

A Fishy Coat Tale - my first photoshoot 17/07/2013
Greetings from: Gregory Goldfish, Oscar the Octopus, Sylvester Stingray

Alice's Day Oxford Central Library 24/06/2013
Alice's Day is on 6th July in Oxford Central Library. Here you will be able to see Greg Goldfish, Sylvester Stingray and Oscar Octopus make their first appearance as part of the 'Fun With Nonsense Poems' event hosted by Diana Moore, from 10:30 until 11:15 a.m.

Meet Gregory and Sylvester... 23/06/2013
Meet Gregory Goldfish and Sylvester Stingray - these fantastic puppets have been made by the talented Helen Vallis of Lydia Designs. Helen (pictured to the right) is currently working on the next fishy coat tale puppet: Oscar Octopus, the friendly (part-time) cloakroom attendant to fellow fish in A FISHY COAT TALE AND OTHER POEMS.
Pan Listening to Echo ~ Ashmolean poetry tour 15/06/2013

Ashmolean poetry in the galleries 15/05/2013
My latest poem: 'I've Got The Silver-Finned Blues' was written in response to the wonderful painting by Bicci di Lorenzo of St Nicholas of Bari Banishing a storm. I decided to give the mermaid a voice (she is swimming out of the picture - I will try to adjust this image to at least show her here....!) and my poem became a lyric which I sang (in parts) to the large swell of people gathered in the Italian Renaissance gallery, and I really appreciated the applause.
Writers In Oxford 25/04/2013
I attended an interesting talk by the writer Joanna Kenrick (aka Jo Cotterill), an energetic and lively-minded author of many children's and teenage books. Joanna gave a talk on setting up a multi-author blog and how to run a targeted marketing campaign online, along with many other useful tips to writers of all genres.
Oxford Literary Festival in the snow 17/03/2013
Little Milton Primary School 06/03/2013
A moment to remember: primary school children queuing for my autograph after a recent fun and humorous poetry session. Sweet.

Blackwell's Bookshop 05/02/2013
Blackwell's Bookshop are now stocking A Fishy Coat Tale And Other Poems, also Waterperry Gardens, (they do good cakes and books! Oh! and nice plants, and a gallery shop, and right now... snowdrops!) Gardeners Books, also Oxfordshire libraries, in addition to Cole's Book Store in Bicester, The Bookhouse, Summertown, The Bookstore in Abingdon, Wallingford Bookshop, and more.... P.S. If ordering directly from me as a gift and you would like a greeting/name included, please let me know when you order, thanks.
BBC Radio Oxford interview Diana Moore 30/01/2013
Had a live interview with Sybil Ruscoe today and she was very taken with my book A FISHY COAT TALE AND OTHER POEMS, likening it to a book of modern day nursery rhymes. Good to know both adults and children can enjoy the book. Sybil enjoyed Molly the Dog and the humour of the dog's reply - this poem was written as a 'get well' greeting for a local collie dog whose walkies were curtailed when she had a sore paw. My son Nicholas, graphic designer and illustrator (web designer too), came on air to talk about his favourite illustration, which was Horsewife. With so many cookery programmes on TV right now, 'Hilary Horsewife' is very contemporary with her pinny and tray of flapjacks...! I read several of the poems and added animal voices, so, when the presenter chose Mary Had A Mobile Phone, I included a short burst (just a few baaaaas) of the jazz number 'Tequila' for the singing baaaaaa lambs. Now looking for a big rush of book orders. See next note for update on book stockists. I read several of the poems on air and added animal voices, so that, when the presenter chose 'Mary Had A Mobile Phone', I included short burst (just a few baaaaaas) of the jazz number 'Tequila' for the singing and dancing baaaaa lambs which added a playful note. Part of the fun of the poems is that they can be taken off the page and acted out in many ways. See next note for the latest update on stockists.

Meet Polly P-solly from family Psittacidae 18/11/2012
Enjoyed performing poetry in the Edward Lear Exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum. Good audience response and they joined in with the 'Lear Rap' chorus.
I did a spontaneous 'hop along the gallery' as Edward Lear had wanted to do all those years ago.

Ashmolean Museum Gallery Performances 17th Nov 12/11/2012
Happy Birthday Edward Lear. I am looking forward to performing poetry in the Lear Exhibition on 17th November. Diana Moore
The following Blogspot link, written by Nick Owen, includes a write-up from a recent Gallery Performance as well as an upcoming workshop on creating poetry and pictures.

Story Museum ~ Runcible Rhymes Family Event 26/10/2012
Countdown to the families events at Ashmolean and Story Museum.
Join us for crafts, songs and story fun inspired by Edward Lear, nonsense poet. Celebrate Lear's 200th birthday with special guest children's writer Diana Moore.
Story Museum ~ 2-4 p.m. on Friday 2nd November 2012
To book call: 01865 790050 or email: tickets@storymuseum.org.uk

Ashmolean Museum ~ Runcible Rhymes 25/10/2012
Join in this celebration of Edward Lear's nonsense poetry with nutty but nice things to see, make and do.
The event is on Wed 31st Oct & Thurs 1st Nov from 1 - 4 p.m.
On Friday 2nd November, 11 - 1 p.m., we will be joined by children's author Diana Moore, with a special event taknig place at the Story Museum from 2 - 4 p.m.
St Andrew's School Headington 04/10/2012
Enjoyed a session with year 5's on Edward Lear. Teacher gave me good marks for content, presentation, interaction with children and engagement with the activities and the children had fun testing out a brand new song and dance as well as acting out a couple of limericks and writing their own nonsense verse which they shared with the class.

Ashmolean ~ Edward Lear Exhibition 25/09/2012
Gallery Performance 3rd November ASHMO-LEAR-EAN Looking forward to performing a verse or two in celebration of Edward Lear's bicentenary.
Also performing poems in the October half-term 'Holiday Happenings' event for families. Runcible Rhymes. And onto the Story Museum for an afternoon session.

Fish and stilts aka the Fizzgiggious Fish who... 06/08/2012
...always walked upon stilts because he had no legs. Edward Lear created several alphabets: 'This ALPHABET was made for DAISY and ARTHUR TERRY at LA CERTOSA DEI PESIO by their ADOPTY DUNCLE Edward Lear, August 31st,1870.'
A Fishy Coat Tale And Other Poems 28/07/2012
What does a leopard do when she wakes up? Where does a home-loving horse like to be? How many fish like to play dressing up? Find out what animals and birds get up to in this colourful and crazy book of poems.

Tilly Trout says 'Hi' 27/07/2012
Hello Readers,
Tilly Trout here, taking a break from swimming the Amazon to say hi and to introduce you to: 'A Fishy Coat Tale And Other Poems' by Diana Moore. Inside you will find illustrated poems suitable for primary aged school children and adults who enjoy humour.
The book features me me me! Im on page eleven taking a break and having a cup of sea. (can you name my pet?).
There are sing-a-long poems such as Three Fine Lice (this little poem is dedicated to a BBC radio producer who caught nits from his kids!) and A Stable Song For Horse Lovers; both of which have well-known tunes so you can sing in rounds and have lots of fun.
I've seen teachers and pupils singing along and sometimes they even sing like cats and dogs it makes my gills tickle..
My creator (I sometimes call her mum) has asked me to help sell the books to a wider audience. So hurry along and add me to your book collection.
Or if you prefer you can borrow me from Oxfordshire libraries (were in Bicester, Banbury and Oxford City Centre). See the link below....
Other poems are good for performance such as the Jackdaw making sounds and flapping his wings and you will also find a modern version of the old favourite Mary Had A Little Lamb.
If you have any questions, send me an email and I will get back to you in a bibble. (thats soon in fish language).
I hope my introduction will entice you to join me and my pals in A Fishy Coat Tale And Other Poems.
Now I have to go and practice for the Trout-Olympics. Bye for now. Hear from you soon I hope. Bibble Bibble.
Lots of Love Xxx
Tilly Trout
Oxfordshire Library Catalogue link to A Fishy Coat Tale And Other Poems
A Fishy Coat Tale And Other Poems, children's book, humorous, poetry, suited to primary school childlren - and adults. "Dear Diana, I loved your book. It's great!" from Iris in Oxfordshire.
A Fishy Coat Tale And Other Poems, children's book, humorous, poetry, suited to primary school childlren - and adults.
Teresa from Middlesex says 'I loved the book and thought it was bright colourful and funny.'