Radio / Music
ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM ART I've written a number of musical poems relating to art and objects in the Ashmolean. My latest music song and spoken word piece is titled: A VISITOR TO THE FOREST using words from my book of the same title, it is inspired by Paolo Uccello's The Hunt in the Forest. It is something I've been wanting to do for a while so I am pleased to share it with you now: A Visitor to the Forest
FINS, WINGS AND OTHER THINGS is a DIGITAL / EP / ALBUM RELEASED BY SINGER / SONGWRITER DIANA MOORE in February 2020. FINS WINGS AND OTHER THINGS comprises Music, Song, and Spoken Word. It is available on major music platforms including: Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, Google Play, YouTube and many other platforms. Example link to Spotify: 'FINS, WINGS, AND OTHER THINGS'
The tracks were inspired by art and objects in the Ashmolean Museum. See below for further information.
Photo by Chris Bearman
1. Flamingo Calypso ~ a lively dance/action/pop song
2. Is There Still Life with a Lobster and Turkey? ~ a humorous piece to a well-known tune
3. Pan and His Pipes ~ an echo poem
4. I've Got the Silver-Finned Blues** ~ music/song/spoken word ~ see note below ~ there is an accompanying YouTube video for this piece.
All of these tracks are featured in the book: Objects in the Ashmolean, An Art and Poetry Resource by Diana Moore.
All 4 tracks are included on YouTube with an image of the related art or object. One track has an accompanying video titled: **'I've Got The Silver- Finned Blues' - this piece is inspired by a beautiful painting (part of an alter piece) by Bicci di Lorenzo called St Nicholas of Bari Banishing the Storm, in which I give the mermaid a voice. You will find it in the Ashmolean Museum Gallery 42 Early Italian Art. See YouTube link below:
Link to YouTube video: I've Got the Silver-Finned Blues by Diana Moore
Link to Ashmolean Museum information about the painting: https://collections.ashmolean.org/collection/search/per_page/25/offset/0/sort_by/relevance/object/38189
See also Early Italian Art https://www.ashmolean.org/early-italian-art-gallery
BBC Radio Oxford and National Radio
BBC Radio Oxford
'The Oxpert' with Adam Ball - June 2019
An interview with Adam to talk about how I bring art and objects to life at the Ashmolean Museum using poetry, song and script. Next poetry tour is on Saturday 29th June, starting at 2:30 p.m.
Radio Oxford Interview
I had a live interview with Sybil Ruscoe who was very taken with my book A FISHY COAT TALE AND OTHER POEMS, likening it to a book of modern day nursery rhymes. It is good to know that both adults and children can enjoy the book. Sybil enjoyed Molly the Dog and the humour of the dog's reply - this poem was written as a 'get well' greeting for a local collie dog whose walkies were curtailed when she had a sore paw. My son Nicholas, graphic designer and illustrator, came on air to talk about his favourite illustration, 'Horsewife' - a cartoon style horse wearing an apron and holding a tray of flapjacks. With so many cookery programmes on TV right now, 'Horsewife' (aka Hilary Horsewife) is very contemporary doing her own version of a 'Bake Off'. Mmm! Lovely flapjacks...!
I read several of the poems on air and added animal voices, so that, when the presenter chose 'Mary Had A Mobile Phone', I included a short burst (just a few baaaaaas) of the jazz number 'Tequila' for the singing and dancing baaaaa lambs which added a playful note. A favourite in schools is the lively 'La Bambaaaaaaaa'! It has the children getting up and dancing. Part of the fun of the poems is that they can be taken off the page and acted out in many ways to suit children and adults.
My prize-winning poems and witty lines have been broadcast on local and national radio (BBC Oxford and BBC Radio 2).